What is the thing that you hang the dresses, clothes after I washed them I wash some clothes and pants then I will hang them outside to make it dry. I want to know how to call thing that I hang my clothes and pants. http://www.pooyingnaka.com/images/picture/cloth_hangrack.jpgI mean thing that I hang clothes or dresses on, not act of hanging :)
19 feb 2012 07:03
Risposte · 9
A horse
19 febbraio 2012
Washing line
19 febbraio 2012
The object in the picture you provided is called a rotary clothes line. Clothes line is the most generic and commonly used apparatus for drying clothes. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=610&q=clothes+line&gbv=2&oq=clothes+line&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=1187l2712l0l2903l12l10l0l0l0l0l238l632l1.1.2l4l0
19 febbraio 2012
Clothes rack and Wardrobe are inside the house to keep dry clothes.. Wet clothes are hung on a clothesline
19 febbraio 2012
I guess that EKK means the act of hanging clothes,not the tool.
19 febbraio 2012
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