David Jonn
What is an easy-going person? What is an easy-going person? What does it means? Synonyms? Thanks for your answers!
8 apr 2012 01:04
Risposte · 8
Calm, relaxed, laid back and informal like most Australians:))
8 aprile 2012
Someone who is relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner. In spanish: Alguien de mente abierta, tolerante, que no critica otras costumbres o ideas, sino que las acepta.
8 aprile 2012
They do not get upset. They do not get excited. They are docile.
9 aprile 2012
"You'll like him. He's an easygoing person. He gets along with everyone. I don't think I've ever seen him get angry. He's so laid-back." How to Be Laid Back: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Laid-Back By the way, "easygoing" doesn't have a hyphen, but it does look strange without one, doesn't it?
8 aprile 2012
an easy-going person means a friendly person who is easy to get along with. the Synonyms, I think is an amiable person.
8 aprile 2012
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