What's the difference between these verbs? What's the difference between these verbs? Класть, Поставить, и Положить My story book tells me they all mean "to put". Are they synonyms or are they used in different situations? Thanks :)
8 nov 2012 11:52
Risposte · 10
класть - положить is the imprefective-perfective couple, they have the same meaning to put smth in general (usually into the horizontal position): Я всегда кладу ключи на стол. Сегодня я положил ключи на диван и забыл про них. Положи книгу на полку (horizontal position) Another aspect couple is ставить - поставить. It means to put a tall object sth into a vertical position. Я поставил стакан на стол. Не ставь вазу на край стола - она может упасть. Поставь книгу на полку (vertical position) However it's not always that simple. There are certain cases, let's call them a tradition or habit when we use these verbs even though the object isn't that tall: Поставь грязную посуду в раковину. Я поставила тарелку с супом тебе на стол.
8 novembre 2012
Their use depends on the context and tenses For examples : Я положил книгу на стол. (Past Simple) Я положу книгу на стол (Future Simple) BUT for present simple or present continuous: Я кладу книгу на стол. "Положить" means that thing or things is in the recumbent position "Поставить"means that thing or things in the standing position It is very difficult to explain in English, but I hope everything is clear
8 novembre 2012
8 novembre 2012
Yes, in general they are synonyms but at the same time have a difference, because we use each one in different situations. The verbs "Класть" and "Положить" are the similar, the synonym of this verb can be the verb "Lay", usually we use them when ask or require to do something, for instance:"I told you put it in place!" or "Please, can you put it there". The verb "Поставить" is used the same way, but the difference is in meaning, the best synonym of it will be the verb "Stand", another words the action is the same but we stand the thing vertical, for example:"Could you put this vase on the table". That's all:))))))) I hope you will understand my explanation:)))))))
8 novembre 2012
In general "класть" and "положить" are synonyms. There is a bit difference, I can`t explane it, but we more often use "положить". Difference betwen "положить" and "поставить" is a pretty big. "Положить" we use whis towel, robe, kind of food, pice of paper. We use "поставить" whis furniture, vase, glass. There is no rule about thise verbs, but we don`t use "поставить" whis soft object
8 novembre 2012
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