in [ex'cuse], c is aspirated or unaspirated? in [ex'cuse]. c is aspirated or unaspirated? after |ks| , c|k| should be unaspirated. yet being in an other stressed syllable, is it still unaspirated?
29 ago 2014 14:24
Risposte · 16
Excuse has two different pronunciations depending on use: /Ik'skju:z/ is a verb, "Please excuse me." /Ik'skju:s/ is a noun, "Why are you late? What is your excuse today?"
29 agosto 2014
It's a kind of 'g' sound.. If you say 'exgyoos', that's more or less how we pronounce it.
29 agosto 2014
Aspirated, unaspirated, don't make things more difficult than they are. Just listen: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/excuse And when you encounter people saying 'excuse me' (or whatever) in movies, just listen and repeat. If you're not sure, record yourself and compare.
29 agosto 2014
I hear lots of "excuse" in movies, some of them are aspirated, others are not. So just let it go.
29 agosto 2014
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