Yubo Ross
what is the different among hear,hear of,hear from ?
30 ago 2014 13:18
Risposte · 7
This isn't very difficult. As Ben says, your should try to get into the learning habit of trying to find things out for yourself. Check in a dictionary and then write three sentences to check whether you've understood the difference. Post them here and we'll be happy to tell you whether you're right or not. That's the way to learn. And while you're doing that, you could think about correcting your question. I'll give you a clue - the words 'different' and 'among' are wrong. Good luck.
30 agosto 2014
What does your dictionary say? Try looking them up yourself first, to build up a good learning habit.
30 agosto 2014
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Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!