I've got a quick question about some Turkish tenses mek/mak or/and -meyi/-mayi It seems you can use the mek/mak form of verbs when saying "-mek/-mak istiyorum" for example ''Türkçe öğrenmek istiyorum'' and stuff like that, but then in my Turkish phrase book , it uses "-meyi/-mayi seviyorum". Why does "istemek" use that one form, and "sevmek" the other? Or could you use both interchangebly? Those are both auxiliary verbs right, I'm a bit confused :S
2 set 2014 21:47
Risposte · 2
I'm not a teacher but I'll try to explain it to you. 'istemek' means 'to want' and 'sevmek' means 'to love'. Türkçe öğrenmek istiyorum = I want to learn Turkish language. Türkçe öğrenmeyi seviyorum = I love studying Turkish language. ('Öğrenmek' can be used for both meaning 'to study' and also 'to learn'.) hope this helps :) __________________________________________ A tip for you, don't study from Phrasebooks. It probably will make you confused, try to find yourself a book with explanations in it. (it's my opinion so just a suggestion)
4 settembre 2014
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