СЕ ЗАЛАГА How would you translate “се залага” in the following extract from a ракия recipe: “Хубаво е костилките им да се отделят още преди ферментацията. Но когато няма тази възможност, плодът се залага с костилките…”
7 set 2014 17:38
Risposte · 3
The verb "залага, заложи" and adverb "залаган, заложен" has several meanings - most frequent of them is derived from the word "залог"/ bet. However, this particular meaning (in your question) is related to the word "заложба" and unfortunately it is not among the ones usually described in the dictionaries (at least in the dictionaries that I managed to find ), so I will try to give my own definition. "to put something(materials, efforts ....) somewhere, having expectations to achieve some results (usually after appropriate period of time) because of it". Common uses: залага капан/експлозив/бомба/стръв заложени в някого/нещо (потенциални) качества заложени резултати/печалби (in business reports or similar writings) заложени в разпоредбите/ в член (in laws) заложени основите на ...... (in history writings) залoжен експеримент заложена заготовка (in metallurgy) Similar (but not the same) verbs are "влага, вложи" and "полага, положи" In your example: to store in a barrel so called "джибри"-"pomace/marc", expecting after its fermentation to get proper source material for alcohol production.
8 settembre 2014
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