Kelly Xu
He practically fell into the room? He seemed to have moved into yet another space. When he spoke, it was faltering as if he couldn’t quite get the ideas in his head to match with words. He didn’t maintain eye contact and his cheeks were dents in his face. His skin had no colour; even his eyes, his mouth, his hair were blurred to a shade of grey. There were days when he came to visit and he practically fell into the room. Or he’d phone in the middle of the night and tell me he was down by the quay. I would like to know what does "fell into the room" mean? Being numb in the room? Thanks.
16 set 2014 05:18
Risposte · 4
He couldn't walk into the room, instead he fell through the door. Maybe he was drunk!
16 settembre 2014
This says it all: 'He seemed to have moved into yet another space.' He was not acting like his normal self. There was something wrong with him; maybe he had girlfriend troubles or drug problems.
16 settembre 2014
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