About present perfect contineous tense "I have been asking you" and "i have been asked you" in these two sentenses which one is correctIs perfect conineous tense have "been"?
16 set 2014 06:34
Risposte · 5
"I have been asking you." is correct. Remember that any 'continuous' tense is going to have an -ing ending, like Murat said. The second sentence is almost a 'present perfect passive', but it's missing an object. It should be, "I have been asked by you." Be aware: 'perfect passive' tenses are almost always avoidable and they are very rarely used.
16 settembre 2014
Thanx murat for response
16 settembre 2014
I think the first sentence, and one of the reason is that, continous tense always demand ''ing'' ending.
16 settembre 2014
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