Dative or not? Hi. My friend who is eine Österreicherin posted a picture on FB of her front room, with posters and stuff on there. I wanted to say to her: Dein Wohlzimmer ist geil! Ich mag die Sachen auf der Mauer. Your front room/living room is cool! I like the stuff on your walls. Now i corrected myself on FB because according to my little grammar chart that i have, auf is a dative preposition and therefore i thought it should be 'den Mauer' but she said that my original der Mauer was correct. So now i'm confused. Can someone explain this and also explain how i would go about picking the right declension of the word Mauer (not even sure i got the correct version of this) in each case? I feel she may be wrong (my chart has always been right) but then who am i to tell a native speaker! Thanks.
1 ott 2014 16:51
Risposte · 5
"Mauer" is feminine, so dative singular is "der Mauer", plural "den Mauern". Actually one would rather use "an der Wand" (sg.) or "an den Wänden" (pl.) here, though. By the way, note that "auf" is one of the prepositions that only have dative when used with a location, but accusative with a direction.
1 ottobre 2014
dative singular: der Mauer, dative plural: den Mauern. But I think here you should use "Wand" instead of "Mauer", and "an" in place of "auf".
1 ottobre 2014
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