Potreste aiutarmi di capire la seguente frase (da questa storia di Lucio Nocentini)? Ciao, I'm translating one of Nocentini's short stories into English "Sherlock Holmes e il mistero delle patate parboiled" and I'm really stuck on this particular sentence: "Nel mio ho provato a far cadere una goccia d'olio di seli di girasole che ha faticato ad emusionarsi, allora ho provate con una lacrima di acqua che al contrario si è colorata immediatamente di un debolissimo riflesso giallo paglierino: da ciò ho dedotto che le uova di questa mattina hanno almeno settantadue ore e..." My rough (and rather literal) translation: "In my case, I tried putting a drop of sunflower seed oil which **you had laboured to emulsify (??), then I tried (it) with a drop of water, which contrarily, immediately produced a poor reflection [...] (??): from which I deduced that the egg from this morning had at least 72 hours and..." (the sentence actually ends with an ellipsis [...]) It would be great if someone can help me make sense of it all. Grazie in anticipo!! :)
31 ott 2014 12:27
Risposte · 2
My opinion the correct translation is; "In my case, I tried putting a drop of sunflower seed oil which you had difficulty to emulsify so I tried with a drop of water, which on the contray, immediately produced a poor reflection straw yellow coloured: from which I deduced that the eggs from this morning had at least 72 hours
31 ottobre 2014
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