waste water / sewage water. In Spanish? Which is the difference between: Waste water from industries and farmland Sewage water from towns and cities In Spanish I only find: "aguas residuales" in both cases Maybe in Spanish we call it in the same way, but in english the word depends on the place... I really don't know!!!! Can you help me? thanks!
29 nov 2014 19:21
Risposte · 2
I would say that sewage is normally waste water that is transported from homes or other buildings through sewage pipes (underground), whereas "waste water" from farmland or industries may not be transported through pipes, for example it may be fertiliser that gets washed away by the rain, or water from a factory that has used some chemicals. Also, sewage normally contains waste from bathrooms and toilets, if you know what I mean...
30 novembre 2014
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