Hay una palabra que significa "DUDE" en español??? Quiero decir "Dude. What's up??? que usen las personas que les gusta surfear/?
6 dic 2014 00:32
Risposte · 10
This link is to surfing terms in Spanish: and UrbanDictionary says "surfo" is Costarican slang for a cool guy: What a surfo! = He surfs really well.
6 dicembre 2014
Hola Erjk! In Venezuela we have several words that have similar meanings: "Pana" (a really close friend), "hermano". And even though it's an insult, "marico" is widely used in Venezuela between young persons to refer to each other without being considered as an insult. Hope this helps :-)
6 dicembre 2014
En México entre los jóvenes utilizamos muchas palabras como lo son "wey", "camarada", "vato",
6 dicembre 2014
hombre / colega / vato(Méx) /
6 dicembre 2014
Dario is right, in is Spain: tío. In latin america, I would say the closest translation is 'amigo' or 'hermano' (brother, like what's up bro?) I have never been surrounded by surfers, but I'm quite sure that I heard them using 'bro', or 'brother', literally and exactly as it is in English (Anglicism). Take care, Alejo.
6 dicembre 2014
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