Vladimir Languages
Tutor della Community
Is there a word in English LAUNCHABLE?
20 dic 2014 16:47
Risposte · 8
Yes, but it's a recently created word. You'd use it to describe something "ready or able to be launched" especially a new product ready to the introduced to the marketplace. It could also be used to describe something like a missile, which you might say "is launchable from a ship."
20 dicembre 2014
I have never seen or used it but it might exist in a big dictionary. If you have developed a product to a point where it is ready to be sold on the market, you could describe the product as "launchable". If you put a newly coined word in "", and it doesn't sound too silly, than you can often get away with it, especially with -able words. But I would not do it a lot or risk doing this in an exam.
20 dicembre 2014
Yes, the word launchable is the adjective form of the verb to launch. In addition to the examples given by others, I have heard this term used with respect to the launch of a software program and also to websites. See definition 8 at: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/launchable?s=t
20 dicembre 2014
What's wrong with the word "launchable"? it sounds fine to me!
20 dicembre 2014
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