jason kim
super simple questions about predisposition! if i say 'i will do something blah blah on next Thursday' or i don't need to add "on"? or both are okay? cuz i can usually see some sentence without "on" or "in" before any days or time. My first language is Korean which is, in terms of predisposition (it's not predisposition but, its role is pretty similar to that), super developed and that is always necessary in, so i'm confused............help me:)
5 mar 2015 21:35
Risposte · 5
"Preposition" :) "'I will do something next Thursday" "I will do something on Thursday" If you said ,"on next Thursday", then I would understand, but it sounds slightly weird to me. I speak US English - I'm not sure if there is a difference for British English.
5 marzo 2015
To continue Patrick's reply, we never say "on next Thursday" - there is no difference to US English. If I speak to you on Sunday Monday or Tuesday and say "on Thursday", or "this Thursday", I mean the Thursday of the same week. If I speak to you on Wednesday, Thursday would be "tomorrow" and "next" Thursday would be the Thursday of the following week. I would still say "next Thursday" on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
5 marzo 2015
In standard written American English (at least that which is measured on standardized tests) a preposition is required before "Thursday". I will do it on Thursday. (standard correct) I will do it next Thursday.(standard correct) I will do it on next Thursday. (incorrect) I will do it Thursday. (standard incorrect)... but is often written and spoken this way informally. Think of it in terms of the Korean particles 를,을. Informally they are sometimes dropped, yet we know they are there. And certainly for formal written Korean, they are required.
5 marzo 2015
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!