What is translation? 不忘初心,方能始终。
6 mar 2015 19:30
Risposte · 3
Only if you don't forget you original heart,can you have a good starting and a good end.---this is my translation
6 marzo 2015
不 no 忘 forget 初 start 心 directly for hearts, but here means like feeling, thoughts 方 If...then... 能 can,be able to 始终 short version of 有始有终, having starts and ends Directly it means if you do not forget your goal or target, you will then have a good result in the end.
6 marzo 2015
где было найдено?
9 marzo 2015
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!