中文和日本文真的写一样吗? 有一些中国朋友告诉我他们会明白书面日本文,可是我看到日本书面和都书面不一样看谢谢, 如果你看一个有日本的字幕的电影,和他们说话西班牙语,你会明白一点吗?
26 apr 2015 23:06
Risposte · 38
樓上的你真的學過日語嗎, 你真的確定日文漢字只有幾個字跟我們的漢字一樣? 只有少數漢字不一样才是真的; 沒有學過日語請不要隨便誤導別人, 謝謝 Guillermo, Christon was wrong, most Chinese people can understand written japanese kanjis, they just don't understand hiragana and katagana, but most kanjis are understandable to Chinese, chinese characters and japanese kanjis are different but basically similar Speaking of this question, it's better to ask someone who's learning Japanese Most Japanese kanjis and Chinese characters are similar, but there are also some difference, for example: (chinese simplified:经济)--(kanji--経済)--(chinese traditional-經濟), and some others; plus, some japanese kanjis have different meanings, for example: 手紙--letter, 手紙(in mandarin)-toilet paper, 娘-daughter, 娘(modern mandarin)-mother
27 aprile 2015
不一样,他们吹牛的,别信他们,只有几个字是一样的,他们可以猜对,然后就说一样,瞎说的。 they are different,they brag,only few character and meanibgs of them are the same ,how could they said that,they told a lie
26 aprile 2015
originally, Japanese culture and language have a strong influence by China and other country and so the language or the characters look alike or maybe the same as Chinese, however, sometimes Chinese and Japanese (Kanji) look a bit different for example Sea or Ocean in Chinese (海) and Japanese is 海(うみ)(<-- the line in the middle is different, Japanese one is going straight through the line in between but the Chinese one is dots) there are some characters are written or even sound the same for example, Sun in Chinese (traditional) 太陽 ( Tàiyáng) and Japanese 太陽(たいよう). It really depends on the word in front or back of a word, the meaning mostly are the same as Chinese, but they're also not the same meaning and maybe completely different meaning. so sometimes Chinese people / Japanese people can understand the meaning roughly through the Chinese characters. my explanation might not 100% correct but hopefully you can understand my poor English and the language between Chinese and Japanese feel free to contact me if you still have any question between both languages ^^ 頑張って (mean 加油 in Chinese) <-- see they don't look alike but they have the same meaning, DO YOUR BEST !!!
27 aprile 2015
9 maggio 2015
@Christon 我的天..你是有多無聊? 我說的是日文漢字啊!!!!!!!! 你把我要逼瘋了知道嗎!! 真的不學無術很可怕誒... 我都說了日文除了漢字還有假名啊... 日文常用漢字只有將近2000個, 又不是所有日文文章是用全日文漢字寫的, 別人問的是日文漢字和漢語漢字, 你去找篇文章是要包括假名的, 當然正常中國人肯定看不懂啊!! 但是能看懂漢字, 你懂了沒啊... 無語掉 YOu're driving me crazy, dude; I have said that most Kanji and Chinese characters are the same, but that doesn't mean Japanese essays are all written in total Kanjis, they have hiraganas and kataganas!! It's impossible for Chinese to understand those ganas, but they can understand the meanings of kanjis!
27 aprile 2015
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