도와주세요!/Please help me! I have to design a fake ad, and I was assigned Cola. Before, I actually start designing I want to be sure the sentences are correct. 감사합니다/Thanks! 1. 콜라는 마실수록 행복 할 거예요. (The more cola you drink, the happier you'll be). 2. 저는 콜라 밖에 안 마셔요. (I drink nothing, but cola!) 3. 맛있네요! (It's delicious!) 4. 콜라는 사랑하는데요! (I love cola!) 5. 왜 콜라를 더 마시지 않는데요? (Why don't you drink more cola?)
5 mag 2015 18:27
Risposte · 2
All of your words look fine but let me put in other way so it makes more sense to the folks. 1. (The more cola you drink, the happier you'll be). 콜라는 마실수록 행복 할 거예요. => 콜라는 마실 수록 행복해져요 / 콜라를 마실 수록 행복해 질 거에요. Be careful with spaces between words. 2. (I drink nothing, but cola!) 저는 콜라밖에 안 마셔요. => good translation. 3. (It's delicious!) 맛있네요! => 맛있어요! / Technically when you've just tried something(food) good or fancy, you say '맛있네요' to someone who is around you or cooked it. For the purpose of just saying to undesignated folks i would say '맛있어요' 4. (I love cola!) 콜라는 사랑하는데요! => 콜라를 사랑해요! 5. (Why don't you drink more cola?) 왜 콜라를 더 마시지 않는데요? => 콜라를 더 마시는 게 어때요? Hope this makes your job easier
6 maggio 2015
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