about ehglish punctuation How to use punctuations in sentences,especially like : ; " " ect.
6 set 2008 06:28
Risposte · 4
jurd, that link doesn't need the WWW in it; the link is:
6 settembre 2008
Hi, this website is excellent for:grammar, punctuation,using hyphens,semicolons, colons, parentheses, dashes, quotation marks, and italics.
6 settembre 2008
Jura*, I meant.
6 settembre 2008
: starts a list, both sides of a ; are grammatical sentences and related in meaning. Between "" is a direct quote.
6 settembre 2008
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!