Some translation please 1_What does mean this sentence? 我怕我老婆在被吵醒,所以后半夜就在为他赶蚊子。 2_What does mean this sentence? 电台增加了两项将项。 3_What does mean 将in this sentence? 电台增加了两项将项。 最恩爱夫妻将,却给了第三对夫妻。 4_What does mean 却in this sentence? _最恩爱夫妻将,却给了第三对夫妻。 _女的却伸出手指做了个小声的动作 。 5_ what does mean this sentence?  为他不知找了多少家医院 6_ can you please tell me more about the meaning of 点头in this sentence?  评委听了暗暗点头。
1 ago 2015 04:54
Risposte · 2
1.I was afraid that my wife would be disturbed by mosquitos so I drove mosquitos away for her. 2.It is 奖项 meaning award, not 将. 3 It is also 奖项,not 将项。 4 却 means but. 5 I do not understand the sentence clearly. Maybe it means someone have hunted several hospitals for him? 6.点头 means some one agree on something。 I wish these answers can help you. If you have questions about Chinese, please feel free to ask me. (*^__^*)
1 agosto 2015
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