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"Will they not want to go there" or "Won't they want to go there"?
4 ott 2015 09:54
Risposte · 4
Both are correct, but the second sounds more natural for most native speakers. In modern spoken English we tend to use the contraction with negative questions, for example, 'Don't you want to come?' as opposed to 'Do you not want to come?'. 'Haven't you been here before?'as opposed to 'Have you not been here before?' In some cases, the full form can sound old-fashioned or just a little awkward. This certainly the case for most 'standard' English, but the full form 'Will you not ...?' is used more often in some regional varieties, such as Scottish English.
4 ottobre 2015
Both are correct, though the first sentence sounds polite.
4 ottobre 2015
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