please somebody help me to translate this chinese song! Now I´m learning chinese and I just heard this song from 李琦 called宅男 somebody can tell me what means this sentences? 点上一支烟 多晚都不晚 周末没早餐 电影还没看 想想就心烦
8 ott 2015 05:05
Risposte · 3
( light a cigarette it's never too late no breakfast at weekends not seen the movie no upset without thinking ) five brief lyrics to describe the bad mood
8 ottobre 2015
Light a cigarette It's not too late No breakfast on the weekend Haven't yet seen the movie 不是我偷懒 只是没有伴 想想就心烦 Not that I'm lazy I just don't have a partner I'm upset thinking about it OR If I think about it, I get annoyed.
8 ottobre 2015
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!