박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of "اظهار لحیه"? What is the meaning of "اظهار لحیه" in the following sentence? آدمی که اهل اظهار لحیه باشد بفهمی نفهمی می‌افتد به چاخان کردن What is the meaning of "آن‌قدرهاروراست" in the following sentence? من هم تو تعریف قضیه‌ی فانوس‌بان‌ها برای شما آن‌قدرهاروراست نبودم What is the meaning of "نمی‌سناسند" in the following sentence? می‌ترسم به آن‌هایی که زمین ما را نمی‌سناسند تصور نادرستی داده باشم What is the meaning of "بی‌درپسر" in the following sentence? بی‌درپسر تو میدانی به مساحت بیست میل در بیست میل جا می‌گیرند
26 nov 2015 15:06
Risposte · 8
اظهار لحیه show off (first time I've heard this expression!) لحیه means beard in Arabic رو راست honest آن قدرها in this context it means "very" نمی سناسند is a typo it must be نمی شناسند (they don't know) بی درپسر also is a typo it is بی دردسر (without any trouble)
26 novembre 2015
اظهار لیحه As a native Persian speaker I have never heard it. I guess it's a typo and the correct form is: اظهار حیله اظهار حیله= showing trickery اظهار= show,indicate حیله= trick آنقدر ها روراست= very honest,too honest من هم تو تعریف قضیه‌ی فانوس‌بان‌ها برای شما آن‌قدرهاروراست نبودم It means: I also was not too honest about the story(issue) of فانوس بان ها . Or : all the data I gave you about the story of فانوس بان ها was not true.there are also wrong information . It shows that he/she didn't trust you. نمی سناسند. Is a typo. نمی شناسند= they don't know,they have no information about it/earth بی درپسر is a typo.it is بی درد سر= easy,without any trouble.without any problem بی درد سر= به راحتی، خیلی راحت Have a great time.
27 novembre 2015
i hate these Arabic expressions. what kind of author wrote that in that sentence??? it's not Persian at all. you'd better ask it as an Arabic question. Arabs can definitely answer you.
28 novembre 2015
I've never heard اظهار لحیه It look like an arabic word! آنقدر ها رو راست wasn't honest enough نمی شناسند they don't know We don't have بی درپسر I think it is بی درد سر very easy
27 novembre 2015
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