What does the expression (Sweet niblet) mean?!!!!!!!
23 ott 2008 18:55
Risposte · 5
yup, it's a kind of corn, not an expression. :)
23 ottobre 2008
It is a variety of sweet corn.
23 ottobre 2008
Although this is a resolved question, I must say that Jasmine is correct. While "Sweet niblets!" is not heard too often in every day speech, it is a colloquil expression. However, rather than merely meaning "My Goodness", it is used as a substitute for profanity. Especially the phrase "Oh Shit!" It is used in this way in practically every episode of the TV show "Hannah Montana" by Miley Cyrus.
23 novembre 2011
i am sorry that some people think i am wrong but the expression of sweet niblets is meaning oh my goodness... it may also mean a kind of corn but it is also an expression here in america... and hey i think i know my own country and language people ok i have lived here my whole life and it is my first language. sweet niblets as an expression means oh my goodness.
25 ottobre 2008
sweet niblets is like saying "oh my goodness."
24 ottobre 2008
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