Are we "one" or "several"? We are the various ones that our multiplicity allows us to be, we are several before our constant metamorphoses, we are many according to our significance processes, but we are also several according to the roles we have chosen to play in life. Therefore, the question which stands in not 'who am I?' anymore. The question which remains is 'How do I live together with myself?'
11 dic 2008 00:20
Risposte · 3
Without me, I'm nothing... ;)
12 dicembre 2008
You are the one that choose who you wanna be. You are one as a whole, every little one inside you, when it comes together, is what makes you a unique person in the world. Like Lincoln said "whatever you be, be a good one"
11 dicembre 2008
me, myself and ----- ,who is it ?? that is the question ;) Now i am really confused
12 dicembre 2008
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