Luiz Fernando
What is the meaning of the expression "no way"?
8 nov 2017 03:15
Risposte · 4
Significa "De jeito nenhum" ou "De maneira nenhuma". Mas é mto usado para expresssr também "não acredito!" "duvido!".
8 novembre 2017
It depends on the context - do you have a complete sentence? For example "There is no way across the mountain" means there is no road or path to getting there "There is no way I can finish this job" means the job is impossible for me to complete
8 novembre 2017
this expression is use to Say "no" in a rude way, and to refused an offer as well. in some cases this is use as an expression of surprise. like -- are you kidding? , wow and etc
8 novembre 2017
'No way' means like you don't want to receive something or like you reject something It depends on the sentence tho . Different sentence different meaning
8 novembre 2017
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