''fifteen hundred'' VS. ''one thousand five hundred'' when do we say each one? hey guys, so in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ1AWSu004U ) at 4:53 he says $1500 as ''fifteen hundred'' so I wanted to know when I use ''one thousand (and) five hundred''. When we talk about currency and money, do we always use the ''xxxteen hundred'' or we can use the latter too? I meant, in which situations. Thanks in advance.
6 mar 2018 19:55
Risposte · 5
We would normally say one thousand, five hundred (no "and") in Britain.
6 marzo 2018
"fifteen hundred" is much more commonly used in American English than in British or Irish English. I don't know about other varieties of English. Here in Ireland, anyone would understand "fifteen hundred", but we would never say it
6 marzo 2018
xxx teen hundred is also a lot less formal, and (obviously?) is mainly only used in speech or reported speech.
6 marzo 2018
It's the common way of *saying* the numbers between 1100 (eleven hundred) and 1999 (nineteen hundred ninety-nine). It is never used in *writing* except as part of a dialog. This is the case in all English dialects.
6 marzo 2018
I think it's a convenience thing. "Fifteen hundred" is much shorter than "One thousand five hundred", or at least less syllables. They are more or less interchangeable :)
6 marzo 2018
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