Rebecca 静芳 รีเบคก้า
日本語の質問 1) What are the meanings of these two phrases? レッスンお疲れ様でした。簡単な文章の勉強ができましたね。 2) What are the meanings of お疲れ and 様 in the sentence above? 3) How do you translate "it was fun"? a) 楽しかったです b) 楽しかったでした
6 nov 2018 06:07
Risposte · 3
Hi! 1. You can visit this page which provides a good explanation on お疲れ様 + です/でした。 2. a) 楽しかったです is the correct expression.
6 novembre 2018
6 novembre 2018
レッスンお疲れ様でした。 →You had a good work for the lesson. 簡単な文章の勉強ができましたね。 →You were able to study easy sentences.
6 novembre 2018
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Rebecca 静芳 รีเบคก้า
Competenze linguistiche
Arabo (standard moderno), Cinese (mandarino), Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Giapponese, Coreano, Portoghese, Russo, Spagnolo, Tailandese, Vietnamita
Lingua di apprendimento
Arabo (standard moderno), Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Giapponese, Coreano, Portoghese, Russo, Spagnolo, Tailandese, Vietnamita