the sky
using prepositions 1. why do we use the article "the" before "office" for example but not before "school"? 2. what's the difference between " at school" and " at the school"? what rules do Americans apply to use these kinds of structures? at the church / at church at the hospital / in the hospital mainstream locations
23 ott 2019 15:25
Risposte · 3
We have two kind of articles : definite article (the), and indefinite article (a,an) So when we say i want an apple it means generally i want an apple doesn’t matter if it is the red one or blue, but when ever we say i want the apple it means i want that specific apple.
23 ottobre 2019
English Grammar in Use by Murphy is well-known. A paper copy is affordable and a google search will find a PDF. See unit 74 "The 2 (school / the school)." Briefly, "church" and "school" do not refer to specific locations, but "the church" and "the school" refer to specific buildings.
23 ottobre 2019
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