Verb repetition Hi, there In this sentence, do I need to repeat "come back" after "does" and "has"? "At his house, whenever it rains, the power goes out. And, even after the power comes back on, it is still another few minutes until the Internet DOES too. I mean, the Internet still doesn't come back up/on for another few minutes after the power (already) HAS" or "At his house, whenever it rains, the power goes out. And, even after the power comes back on, it is still another few minutes until the Internet COMES BACK too. I mean, the Internet still doesn't come back up/on for another few minutes after the power (already) has COME BACK"? Which one is better? Thank you
7 nov 2019 20:11
Risposte · 4
The third phrase is repetitive in both examples. Why is it there? And, even after the power comes back on, it takes another few minutes to restore internet service. And, even after the power comes back on, it takes another few minutes to restore the internet.
8 novembre 2019
You will be understood, if you use either of these examples. You don't need the 'too' or the 'already.' In both, I'd take out the last sentence, because it repeats the same information as the second sentence. "At his house, whenever it rains, the power goes out. EVEN after the power comes back on, it is still another few minutes until (or 'before') the Internet DOES." ["I mean, the Internet still doesn't come back up/on for another few minutes after the power HAS."]
7 novembre 2019
Hello! The use of "does" and "has" in your first example is acceptable and comprehensible, especially when being spoken. It's best not to repeat phrases too much in sentences if it can be avoided, it just flows better :)
7 novembre 2019
Please. I really need help with this
7 novembre 2019
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