Justin Melnick
"我只是来打酱油的。"是什么意思? 我在‘语言伙伴’里发现一个人写的
27 mag 2010 05:28
Risposte · 15
打酱油”这一词最初出处是之前广州电视台采访的一个市民对某个事件的看法。他说:关我鸟事我出来买酱油的。这句话也因此流传开来。 人们在看见关于政治,历史和一些敏感性话题,又不方便发表自己意见的时候,就说“我是来打酱油的” 因为有时候说了一些敏感的话,就会被删掉,你知道的,中国的censorship很好很强大 ~
27 maggio 2010
Means I just pass by , want to see what's going on here but I won't give any opinion about the topic, I'm neutral in this thread. If you can perfectly read Chinese, here's the story of it: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1601934.htm?fr=ala0_1_1
27 maggio 2010
难为这样的外国青年了。 中国的语言太难了---
28 maggio 2010
it means nothing to do with me. it's none of my bisiness and sometimes express you have little interesst in it,you just come and have a look.
2 giugno 2010
1 giugno 2010
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