6 nov 2010 17:40
Risposte · 9
理解是不但了解此事,而且能够站在对方的角度看问题,能够明白对方这件事情的因果.而且也很赞同他的做法. 了解就比较浅意一些了,只要明白此事就可以了. 所以理解比了解的的程度更深一些...
7 novembre 2010
15 novembre 2010
12 novembre 2010
理解 & 了解 -Are you clear? ( 你理解了吗?) -Yes, I am.(是的。) -Do you understand? (你了解了/明白了吗?) -Yes, I do. (是的。) “理解” expresses you have understood completely . You have known why he does something like that, moreover, you can predict what is his next step. “了解”conveys you just have known he does something. You are negative to receive some information. e.g.: Jack told you sb has cheated you, you received this information, you can say “我了解了。(我了解这件事本身或是这个人了。)”While, if you knew the reason why he cheated you, (may be he needed money urgently) you can say "我理解他。” I hope it can help you.
9 novembre 2010
理解是针对语言、问题来说的,明白其中真实的意思。 了解是针对各种情况来说的,知道一些相关的信息。
9 novembre 2010
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