Elif insegnante di Turco


Insegnante professionista
Persiano (farsi)
Professional Language Teacher with a degree in Turkish language and litarature
Da TurchiaVive a Other, Turchia (05:08 UTC+03:00)
Informazioni su di me
Insegnante di italki dal 22 Oct 2022
Argomento di interesseScienzaLetturaCibo ViaggiStoria
Merhaba, I am Elif from Ankara, Turkey. I am an energetic and open-minded person who has a passion for traveling. I love talking to different kinds of people, learning new things, and teaching new things. As a social person, I enjoy helping others by teaching them how to master Turkish!

Turco Lezioni

Lezione di prova
11 lezioni completate
USD 5.00+
General Turkish - structured lessons covering writing, speaking, reading and listening
A1 -  C2


59 lezioni completate
USD 10.00+
Guided conversation for fluency
A1 -  C2


104 lezioni completate
USD 10.00+


In base al tuo fuso orario (UTC+00:00)
Le mie creazioni
Podcast (1)
Quiz (9)

10 Recensioni

Studente Sanna
3 lezione/i di Turco
La scelta dell'insegnante
A wonderful lesson. I was very excited because my Turkish is really bad and I was afraid how things would go. But Elif was so kind and spoke in very easy words and so slowly and patiently that I felt really comfortable. I will continue and I so look forward to learning this wonderful language with her! :)
8 lug 2024
Studente yulia
10 lezione/i di Turco
La scelta dell'insegnante
I enjoy Turkish lessons with Elif. She is a really professional teacher!! Her lessons are always well planed. We manage do discuss different topics, study Grammer, do exercises. We speak only Turkish at our lesson and it helps me a lot to immerse in the language.
21 giu 2024
Studente Asena Y
Asena Y
83 lezione/i di Turco
La scelta dell'insegnante
Highly recommend Elif as a Turkish teacher. She is such an intelligent and and very patient and kind person. We have always very interesting lessons. She gives many helpful tips and links to useful resources. Im very motivated even after our classes
12 dic 2023
Studente Šárka Kadečková
Šárka Kadečková
3 lezione/i di Turco
Elif is very nice. So far I only had a trial lesson and I will definitely continue with Mrs. Elif. She spoke to me clearly and was very patient.
25 giu 2024
Studente yulia
10 lezione/i di Turco
Elif is a very good teacher!!! I have had already several lessons with her and I really enjoy our lessons. Elif always gives a plan and material for the next lesson, it is very useful for me so I can look through the the vocabulary. We talk only in Turkish at our lessons. Elif really motivates me to speak, and explains if anything is not clear. I recommend Elif as a teacher!!!
10 giu 2024
Studente Rami Abu Dabat
Rami Abu Dabat
11 lezione/i di Turco
Excellent teacher , Im now on my seventh lesson and I’m able to understand the language and make a conversation 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
25 gen 2024
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