Nathan insegnante di Francese


Insegnante professionista
Ancien journaliste à Radio France - Professeur de français certifié - French podcast co-host 🙂
Da FranciaVive a Valencia, Spagna (04:25 UTC+02:00)
Informazioni su di me
Insegnante di italki dal 3 Jul 2018
Argomento di interesseCibo Ambiente e naturaViaggiSportStoria
Salut ! Je m’appelle Nathan, j’ai 32 ans et je suis français. Originaire de La Rochelle, à l'ouest de la France, j'habite actuellement dans la ville de Valencia, en Espagne. J’adore voyager. J’ai visité plusieurs pays comme les États-Unis, le Canada, la Colombie, l'Argentine, l’Iran, le Liban, l'Arménie, etc. J'aime aussi le football et la gastronomie, avec une préférence pour la cuisine méditerranéenne. Quand je suis en France, j'apprécie discuter en terrasse avec mes amis autour d'un verre de vin.

Francese Lezioni

Lezione di prova
15 lezioni completate
USD 15.00+
Français général - General french 🇫🇷 (A2-C2)
A2 -  C2


2,338 lezioni completate
USD 25.00+
Français pour débutants - French for Beginners 🇫🇷 (A1)


28 lezioni completate
USD 30.00+


In base al tuo fuso orario (UTC+00:00)

373 Recensioni

Studente Chris
51 lezione/i di Francese
La scelta dell'insegnante
I highly recommend Nathan as a French teacher. He is engaging, well-prepared, relaxed/easy-going. He puts you at ease, is flexible, and obviously really enjoys teaching. Oh yes, and his lessons are fun! I’ve done nearly 150 lessons on iTalki with various teachers, and Nathan is tops. I feel lucky to have found him. Merci Nathan et à bientôt!
12 ago 2022
Studente Orchidea Feher
Orchidea Feher
3 lezione/i di Francese
La scelta dell'insegnante
He is the BEST french teacher I met on Italki. I tried many (10 plus) and I was thinking of giving up. But finally I found Nathan and I am very satisfied with his teaching method, energy and enthusiasm. Merci beaucoup! :)
16 ago 2021
Studente Matthew
41 lezione/i di Francese
La scelta dell'insegnante
C'est un mec sympa, il est le top du top! J'adore ses leçons. As a school teacher myself, I could see from the first lesson that Nathan is an excellent teacher. He is not just a pretty face - he is incredibly patient, helpful, and knowledgeable. He is just such a cool guy and very down-to-earth which makes it super easy to talk to him. Merci bcp Nathan!
29 mag 2020
Studente Brad
197 lezione/i di Francese
Nathan has been my French teacher on italki since 2018. Almost 200 lessons. I cannot believe it has been that long. Every week I have looked forward to the French conversations about various topics. I have made great strides in my French language skills and feel pretty confident discussing almost any topic. As French teacher, Nathan constantly pushed and challenged me. He has a great way of explaining complex grammar points. I know this is his last week on Italki and for me this is really sad but I am excited for him as he goes on do some really interesting things. Best of luck Nathan!
25 mar 2024
Studente Yunfei Dai
Yunfei Dai
11 lezione/i di Francese
Nathan is an exceptional teacher with patience and motivating teaching style. He corrects mistakes and encourages more speaking. I highly recommend lessons with Nathan!
10 feb 2024
Studente Yunfei Dai
Yunfei Dai
11 lezione/i di Francese
Great first lesson. Looking forward to more!
13 gen 2024
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