Day 52/365 Hi guys! Tell me please, can a deliver leave your order outside your door in your country or city? My answer : in Russia -no, definitely no! I'm sure that somebody will stole this. In China,you can see the situations like this everywhere. Delivers put your orders near your door,or just created a big mountain from different orders for different people,for example in on of the shop. nobody checked what kind of box did you take... It was amazing when I saw it in the first time. I didn't understand it, I've never seen this before. But yesterday we received our order. We were in the trip,and take our boxes only in the late night. All this time they stayed in front of our door! It was the monitor, and a chair for computer. Today we setted all these things.. it was challenge like furniture from IKEA. Now I'm seating on the floor and writing this post.. I need to do the spring cleaning tomorrow.
2021년 2월 21일 오후 2:28
교정 · 2
Day 52/365 Hi guys! Tell me please, can a delivery person leave your order (your package) outside your door in your country or city? My answer : in Russia -no, definitely not! I'm sure that somebody will steal it. In China, you can see the situations like this everywhere. Delivery people put your orders near your door ,or just create a big mountain of packages from different orders for different people,for example in this picture of packages in a store. Nobody checked what kind of box you took... I was amazed when I saw it the first time. I didn't understand it, I nad never seen this before. But yesterday we received our order. We were on a trip (BETTER: We were away) ,and got our boxes late at night. All this time they remained in front of our door! It was a (computer) monitor, and a computer chair. (OR an office chair) Today we set up all these things. It was a challenge, like putting together (assembling)furniture from IKEA. Now I'm sitting on the floor and writing this post.. I need to do some spring cleaning tomorrow.
If you got a new chair, why are you sitting on the floor?! :-)
2021년 2월 21일
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