Julia Moreira Borges
전문 강사
Attention pet owners! 🚨🐶🐱🐰🚨 (Super random question coming...) Do you speak to your pet just in your native language or do you mix them sometimes and why/why not? 😅 I have a kitten and I quite often speak to her in English AND Portuguese. How about you?
2021년 5월 5일 오후 1:53
답변 · 23
English and Japanese. My wife and I use both languages in the house anyway, so it just happened organically. A lot of Japanese dog owners seem to exclusively use English commands for their dogs.
2021년 5월 5일
I don't have a pit yet but I'm sure I will speak with her English 😂, my native language is Arabic.
2021년 5월 5일
Hmmm, iterresting unusual practice. It's really verry interresting. :-)
2021년 5월 5일
I also speak to my pet in Portuguese ("its" and my mother tongue) and English and it seems like he understands me better in Portuguese :P :D
2021년 5월 5일
2021년 5월 5일
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