Henda Elteir
Professionele leerkracht
📢 Hey, looking to boost your speaking skills? 🗣️🌟 Read the prompt below and share your spoken or written response. 🔴 Remember, you can plan and record your answer, and if you're not satisfied, feel free to delete and re-record it. 💪 📱👧 How young is too young to own a cell phone? Are elementary school children safer with or without one? Explain your thoughts! 🧐💭 Join the conversation and let's explore this topic together! 🗯️✨
26 mei 2024 06:56
Antwoorden · 2
my opinion kids gets phones when they ready i think elementary school kid like around 8 to 12 years old don't really needs a phone they can have fun and stuff without one Phones cool but safety first
26 mei 2024 07:03
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