Could you, plz, correct!!!!!( the US or the UK) I need the corrections of this text!!!Please, do me a favour....I'd be so thankful!!!! With many useful functions, the computer has become a compulsory subject in almost every home. Computers that can be drived any man, not a trained operator, called personal computers (PCs). The PC can be a desktop computer or a laptop and can be used at home or in the office. The user can set it any software. Let's talk about the advantages of computers. Using a computer can be more efficient to text something. There are a variety of computer tools that monitor your spelling and grammar, having a built-in dictionary. Thus, the adjustment of a written document takes much less time, and no need to open a paper dictionary to look up the meaning of the words. Entering text with a computer is much faster than writing it on paper. If you need to perform the reorganization sentence or paragraph, you can cut, paste them and make any necessary changes. The computer allows the user to create documents, edit, print and store them. Despite the many advantages of computers, there are also disadvantages that can not be ignored. Easy access to information via the Internet has made students more lazy, in terms of education, because now they can download ready information without studying the topic of their research. They also use computers for mathematical calculations and not actually solving the problem by themselves. Important for parents is to control the viewing of websites by your children, because some sites are not intended for viewing. Another very significant online threat is identity theft over the Internet or a local area network and computer viruses. Could you,please, correct this text here
26 okt. 2012 10:24
Antwoorden · 2
I'm Australian, so I'm obviously disqualified. ;) Still, you really need to post it here (even if it is urgent): Your question should have been ''Could you please correct this? (Native speakers from the US or UK, please.)'' The shorthand form of ''plz'' with all those exclamation marks makes you sound like an excitable 11-year-old. It really does.
26 oktober 2012
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