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Umów się na lekcje japońskiego online z naszymi wykwalifikowanymi nauczycielami aby uczyć się języka z domu.
Liczba lekcji: 1,731
Let's have experience to talk with native Japanese! ・I have experience to teach Japanese and support Foreigners to take interview for Japanese company. ・ I like to teach very casual and natural Japanese, so that you can make a lot of Japanese friends. Feel relaxed to take my lesson. ・Everybody has their own personality, interests, dreams and some interesting knowledges . We don't live in a same country, but I want to make a place that we can share our knowledges and get to know each other using languages.
Liczba lekcji: 3,245
⭐Learn with Kim/Kin
🌟🌟 No.1 teacher in 2022💫💫1% Top teacher in 2023.Like your best friend 😄 Immersion 🤗 亲和力满满,经验满满 【熟能生巧】【Practice Makes Perfect】【習うより慣れよ】【배우기보다 익숙해져라】 从学生时代,我已经开始教来自不同文化的学生。,而且我在中国、日本、印度尼西亚和韩国都教过。 我不仅在italki, Duolingo多邻国, Tutoring等线上平台有教学经历,在很多线下平台也积累了多年的丰富经验。 Since school years, I have already started to teach foreign students from different cultures. For offline, I have been teaching in China, Japan, Indonesia, and Korea. For online, I have been teaching on different platforms, such as italki, Duolingo, Tutoring and quite a few local brands.
Naoya Sasaki
自分自身の言語学習で苦労した所や、やって良かった事などを皆さんと共有しながら授業をしていきたいと思っています。 私自身、新しいこと、異なる人の考え方、異なる文化に興味があるので、人の話を聞くのが好きです。 ですので、話すのが苦手で上手になりたいと思っている人には、私のような先生が向いていると思います! I want to share the challenges I faced and the things that worked well for me in my own language learning journey during the lessons. I am interested in new things, different perspectives, and various cultures, so I enjoy listening to people's stories. Therefore, I believe that someone like me would be a good fit for those who find speaking difficult and want to improve!
Liczba lekcji: 37
Juri Takada
I can teach some grammar but i mainly teach of Conversational Japanese! I used to teach to foreigners' face to face conversational Japanese, speaking skill,pronounciation, phrases, sentences and Grammar. But I'm not professional grammar teacher (keep it in your mind) I usually teach conversational Nihongo to N3~N5 JLPT level. .Please message me "Why do you want to learn Japanese?? and your level before you book my lesson. I want to avoid trouble or misunderstanding.
Liczba lekcji: 151
拥有在日本和韩国教授汉语经验的资深语言学教师。 我曾经在日本和韩国对团体和个人讲授过汉语。 我一直以为外国学生服务而自豪。 我愿意将我关于语言方面的学识分享给每一位学生,这是我的乐趣。 我拥有得到认证的学历证书,还有汉语资格证书。 毫无疑问,我的汉语是语调标准而发音清晰的。 I have taught Chinese to groups and individuals in Japan and Korea. I am always proud of serving foreign students. I would like to share my knowledge about language with every student, which is my pleasure. I have a certified diploma and a qualification certificate in Chinese. There is no doubt that my Chinese is standard in intonation and clear in pronunciation.
Liczba lekcji: 365
みゆう Miyu
ネイティブのような日本語で会話しましょう!:) Let's talk in Japanese like native speakers! :) 私がitalkiで日本語を教えている理由は、日本に行かなく日本語を話せるようになる喜びを感じてほしいからです。私はオンライン英会話をするまで、外国人を1対1で話す勇気もなく、スピーキングもなかなか上達しませんでした。しかし、オンライン講師と二人三脚でたくさん練習し、自分の意見を自信をもって伝えることができるようになりました。 皆さんの日本語学習の苦労に共感できるところも多いと思います。少しでも楽しく、効率よく学習できるように、一緒に頑張りましょう‼ Why I teach Japanese on italki is because I want everyone to feel happy by being able to speak Japanese without going to Japan. I didn't have the courage to speak to foreigners one-on-one and my speaking didn't improve very much until I tried online English conversation. But after much practice with my online tutors, I am now able to express my opinions with confidence. I can relate to difficulties in learning Japanese. Let's learn Japanese with fun and efficiency!
It's okay to turn off the camera. #Osaka#ともだち #Nurse#Canada🇨🇦 I was said that 『mariya is kind and How to teach Japanese is easy to understand 』 from many friends : ) 『mariyaは やさしくて 教(おし)え方(かた)がわかりやすい』と たくさんの 友達(ともだち)から いわれています。 I'm studying to acquire a license of Japanese teacher! 我现在没有获得日语教师的资格,但是我正在向着这一个目标努力学习 日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の 資格(しかく)を とるために 勉強中(べんきょうちゅう)です。 I have been studying English for 2 years and Chinese for 1year. I have been to Australia for a homestay. 我学习中文已经一年了,同时英语也学习了2年多,我也曾经短暂的在澳大利亚生活过 英語(えいご)を 2年間、中国語を1年間、学(まな)んでいます オーストラリアに ホームステイに行(い)ったことがあります。 So, if you have any Japanese you don't understand I can also teach a little in English or Chinese. ですので、分からない日本語があれば英語や中国語で教えることも少しできます。
Liczba lekcji: 37
Complete beginners are welcome! Qualified teacher with 3 years of experience at a language school. I have completed 420 hours Japanese Language Teacher Training Course, and passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. I taught Japanese at a language school in Malaysia for 3 years and one-on-one lessons(offline) for about a year in Japan. At the language school, I learned how to teach Japanese to complete beginners, and I really enjoyed it. I've also worked for Japanese companies for 9 years, and have management experience, so I can teach Japanese business manners. I'm very patient, calm, and a good listener so you don't have to worry about making mistakes when you speak.
Liczba lekcji: 1,672
日本語を教える資格と小中高の教員免許があります。日本語っておもしろい!楽しく勉強しましょう! I was an elementary school teacher for 35 years. I have a lot of experience teaching hiragana, katakana, kanji, and reading Japanese. Depending on your level of Japanese, I can use easy Japanese or speak politely. Furthermore, I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. I have experience teaching English to third graders and above. In addition to teaching, I am also continuing to learn English. I take online lessons on "italki" and join a local English chatting club. I know how much fun it is to learn a language. Let me assist you to learn Japanese. Let's have fun learning Japanese. (35年間、小学校の先生でした。子どもたちに、ひらがなや漢字や読み取りなどを教えた経験がたくさんあります。いっしょに楽しく学習しましょう。)
Liczba lekcji: 24
A friendly and talkative teacher of Russian and Japanese:) I have many students off-line, and we enjoy a conversation class. I want my students to spend a great time while learning, not only to get some new information, but also to release some stress from work and have a lot of of positive emotions. Also what I consider important is to help students learn some new vocabulary during the class, as I think it can be the most difficult part when you struggle with language learning. So I suggest to learn new words and practice them immediately by using those words during the class in different forms.
Liczba lekcji: 5
日本が好き!食べ物が好き!アニメが好き!一緒に楽しく会話しましょう♪ ・現在(げんざい)、初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。 I am teaching Japanese for beginner to advanced level. ・生徒(せいと)の皆(みな)さんには、楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)が身(み)についていく感覚(かんかく)を味(あじ)わってほしいです。 My goal is for students to experience the feeling of learning Japanese in a fun way. ・私(わたし)は皆(みな)さんの話(はなし)を聞(き)くことが大好(だいす)きなので、失敗(しっぱい)を気(き)にせず、たくさん話(はな)しましょうね。 I would love to listen to you, so please talk a lot without worrying about making mistakes.
Liczba lekcji: 18
英語が話せる講師!聞き上手でフレンドリー!日本語のスピーキングを強化!3年以上の講師歴! 3年間のオンライン英語教師としての経験があり、 生徒からは「熱心」「聞き上手」「ユーモラス」と言われることが多いです^^ 英語をほとんど話せない初級の生徒さんから、上級の方まで教えていました。 生徒さんがどうやったら、目標を達成できるか考え、一緒に目標まで進んで行く過程が大好きです。 私は、日本語でもゆっくり話す方です。 日本語がスラスラ出て来なくても大丈夫! 私はリラックスした雰囲気で、楽しくレッスンをすることを心がけています! I have three years of experience as an online English teacher. My students often describe me as enthusiastic, a good listener, and humorous. I have taught students ranging from beginners, who can barely speak English, to advanced learners. I love working together with my students to help them achieve their goals. I speak slowly, even in Japanese! So, it’s perfectly fine if your Japanese isn’t fluent. I strive to make my lessons relaxed and enjoyable!
Liczba lekcji: 119
Available in EU and US time! Providing effective conversation practice and personalised lesson! I am a certified teacher, travel planner, and life adviser. I have experience launching and organising language programs. I have personally faced the challenges of learning English and French, so I understand what is needed to improve language skills. Instead of just academic learning through textbooks, I’ll teach you practical, real-world Japanese! I hold a national qualification in the travel industry and also work as a travel planner. So, I can not only teach you Japanese for travel purposes but also help you plan your trip. If you are already in Japan, I'm here to assist with anything related to Japanese life, such as CV corrections and job interview practice.
Liczba lekcji: 6
Slowly and steadily to learn Japanese, step by step! I will be providing cheerful lessons. I tend to speak Japanese slowly If this helps improving your listening skills I would be happy!
Liczba lekcji: 81
Journey to fluency: with a certified Japanese teacher with experience in France and Switzerland Je m'efforce toujours de rendre mes cours agréables. J'utilise une approche interactive, valorisant les échanges avec les étudiants. Mon expérience professionnelle au Japon, en France et en Suisse, enrichissent mes cours d'une compréhension multiculturelle. Je vise à offrir un espace d'apprentissage agréable pour tous. I always strive to make my classes enjoyable. I use an interactive approach, valuing communication with students. My professional experience in Japan, France and Switzerland, enriches my classes with a multicultural understanding. By enjoying teaching myself, I aim to provide a pleasant learning space for every
Liczba lekcji: 3,802
Yoshi Shimizu
Native Japanese, fluent in English. Great communication skills and international cultural knowledge. I first got involved in teaching Japanese as a conversation tutor when I was at the university in San Francisco, USA. Since then, I love working with people from different cultural backgrounds. This is also one of the reasons why I became a documentary photographer. I have visited over 90 countries to document different cultures and people. For the joy of teaching, I have also taught photography at workshops. Teaching requires a great deal of patience and communication artistry which also apply to become a good photographer as well. In general, it is truly rewarding to see my students succeed in learning skills.
Liczba lekcji: 4,667
Certified teacher, explain JPN grammar in ENG on request, friendly & helpful, fun & relaxed!! Since I have studied English myself, I know how you feel and the problems when studying a second language. I will adjust my teaching methods to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed while studying. 私自身英語を勉強した経験がありますので、第2言語を勉強する際どんな点が大変か理解することができます。 授業スタイルを工夫して、みなさんが楽しく言語を習得できるよう心がけます。
Business Japanese lesson by a management consultant I have worked at a Japanese bank for 20years. Now I work as management consultant and Japanese teacher.
Liczba lekcji: 42
大学や日本語学校で6年間の指導経験 6 years of teaching experience at a university or Japanese language school 私はこれまで大学や日本語学校で6年間日本語教師の仕事をしてきました。今も教壇に立っており、1クラス20~25人を相手に授業をしています。これまで私はひらがな、カタカナの指導から中上級まで教えてきました。まったく日本語が話せない人でも教えることができます。初心者から上級者までその人に合った授業をします。 I have been working as a Japanese language teacher at universities and Japanese language schools for 6 years. I still teach at the podium, giving classes to 20 to 25 students per class. Up until now, I have taught Hiragana and Katakana to intermediate to advanced level. Even people who can't speak Japanese at all can teach. We offer classes tailored to everyone from beginners to advanced students.
Liczba lekcji: 843
2016年に日本語教師の資格取得以降、ロンドン、オークランドにてオフライン、オンラインにて13歳から60歳までの初級から上級レベルの生徒さん100人以上に教えてきました。生徒さんの国籍は様々でニュージーランド人、イギリス人、アメリカ人、フランス人、イタリア人、スペイン人、ポーランド人、ロシア人、中国人等の生徒さんに教えてきました。 またJLPTや大学の試験対策、日常会話、ビジネス会話を教えてきました。 外国語を学ぶのは難しいですが、皆様の日本語上達に向け、手助けできたら幸いです。 I have worked as a qualified Japanese teacher for 6 years in London and NZ. I have given lessons to students who are from 13 - 60 years old, from completely beginners to advanced. and they are from NZ, UK, USA, France, Italy, Spain, other European countries, China, etc. I have taught more than 100 students with different aims. I know learning language is really difficult, but I'm here for you. I'd love to help you to improve your Japanese!