Vivian Kondylopoulou
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Philosophy Started from the Ancient Greece and then it spread all over the world. But who are the most famous greek philosophera? Socrates The Roman politician Cicero called Socrates ‘the first who brought philosophy down from the heavens, placed it in cities, introduced it into families, and obliged it to examine into life and morals, and good and evil’. One famous quote that he said was : True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing Plato Unlike Socrates, Plato was an aristocrat. His wealth and status in Athens did not deter him, however, from being a keen student of Socrates. He took everything Socrates had taught him and built upon it, and what he built was a body of work imbued with such pivotal meaning that scholars have attributed to him the foundations for modern Western philosophy, science, mathematics, political thought and even spirituality. Plato defined thinking as ‘the talking of the soul with itself’. He taught that the soul is immortal, and that life imprisons the soul in the body. Perception is key: in his Allegory of the Cave, for example, he describes people in a cave who can only see shadows on the walls; but if they turned around, they would understand what was casting those shadows and thus be wiser. Aristotle Aristotle moved to Athens in his teens to study at Plato’s Academy for some twenty years, until his teacher, Plato, passed away. He was Plato’s best student, and all the knowledge he gained from him earned Aristotle a top job: tutor of Alexander the Great (indeed, in this he was most likely the highest paid philosopher in history). He later established his own philosophical school called the Peripatetic school at the Lyceum, a temple dedicated to Apollo. (Peripatetic comes from the Greek peripateo, ‘to walk around’; Aristotle liked to walk as he thought and taught.) Aristotle spoke about that the perfection is in the middle of the situations. If you want to learn more and more about that book a lesson NOW!
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23 mar 2024 19:59