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Znajdź dla siebie najlepszego nauczyciela języka portugalski.

Nauczyciele: 459

Znajdź dla siebie najlepszego korepetytora portugalski: wybierz spośród doświadczonych nauczycieli portugalski online, a wrażenia z nauki będą najlepsze z możliwych.

Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Guilherme.

Liczba lekcji: 3,003


id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Portuguese teacher, BA in International Relations, Videomaker and Traveller I'm a friendly, engaging and very open mind person. I believe classes should be fun because this way learning a new language becomes a nice and enjoyable process. I always introduce different subjects in conversation and like to learn about the place where people live and the local culture.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 13:00 za 3 dni
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Thais.

Liczba lekcji: 8,506


id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Eu acredito que ter acesso a outras culturas nos enriquece como seres humanos. Aprender um novo idioma é uma excelente maneira de manter nossa mente saudável, pois exercita o cérebro. Pode nos ajudar a ser mais felizes, já que conseguimos nos conectar mais com as pessoas. Portanto, te ajudar a melhorar o seu Português é muito importante para mim. I believe that having access to other cultures enriches us as human being. Learning a new language is a great way to keep our minds healthy as it exercises our brains. It can also help us to be happier, as we can connect more with people. Therefore, helping you improve your Portuguese is very important for me.

USD 8.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 19:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Daniela Garcia.

Liczba lekcji: 61

Daniela Garcia

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

In my experience as a tutor, I could see that the best way for someone to learn something is for that person to have their known difficulties and potential. We will work together, the way you feel most comfortable, I like to be creative in the use of all didactic materials, explore all the student's knowledge and doubts, all in a light and respectful way. In my own language studies, I realized that we can use a lot of resources together to make it easier, it can be a lot of fun, let's practice together, use various materials, all speaking in Portuguese.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Guilherme.

Liczba lekcji: 1,695


id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Sempre tive esse instinto de repassar o que sabia e o que aprendi porque acho que estamos em constante troca de informações, o que torna todo o processo de aprendizado muito mais interessante e evolutivo.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Cleiton Oliveira.

Liczba lekcji: 805

Cleiton Oliveira

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Teacher with 11 years of experience | Celpe-Bras | Brazilian Lifestyle, Arts and Culture As a language student since I was a child, I know how is to be in the place of the student. So, during my classes, I try to create an enjoyable environment, using techniques that allow an effective learning process. When I teach grammar, I like to bring it to real-life situations, in order to generate a complete understanding and usage. The results are marvelous!

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Lise.

Liczba lekcji: 16


id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Professora com dez anos de experiência I have a degree in Pedagogy and I have a Specialization in Psychopedagogy. In Brazil I worked as a teacher for 10 years at different levels of education. Currently, I also work with Portuguese as a heritage language for the children of Brazilians who live abroad. Sou formada em Pedagogia e possuo especialização em psicopedagogia. No Brasil atuei como professora por 10 anos em diferentes níveis de ensino. Atualmente também atuo com o português como língua de herança para os filhos de brasileiros que moram no exterior.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 11:00 za 3 dni
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Rodrigo Paz.

Liczba lekcji: 250

Rodrigo Paz

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Professor certificado com mais de 8 anos de experiência na área de ensino Tenho experiência de 7 anos com o ensino de língua portuguesa para crianças, adolescentes e adultos. Isso me permite cada vez mais lidar com várias formas de ensino-aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento dos meus alunos em seus objetivos, tanto pessoais quanto profissionais. Se você não encontrar horário livre no meu cronograma, me mande uma mensagem para encontrarmos um horário para você. I have 7 years experience teaching Portuguese to children, teenagers and adults. This allows me to increasingly deal with various forms of teaching-learning for the development of my students in their goals, both personal and professional. If you don't see a free time on my schedule, send me a message.

USD 5.50/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 12:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Carlos Daniel.

Liczba lekcji: 207

Carlos Daniel

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

I have been teaching Portuguese in my country over the last 3 years and I am taking degree in university to become a certified Portuguese teacher. I could have the opportunity to teach English which was a great experience! at the end of the day I can say languages connect people.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 11:30 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Gerfenson Ribeiro.

Liczba lekcji: 17

Gerfenson Ribeiro

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Estudante de engenharia e apaixonado por idiomas Eu estudo diferentes idiomas a mais de 10 anos, então adquiri algumas técnicas que me ajudaram nesse processo, durante as minhas aulas, sempre gosto de tornar um ambiente confortável e leve de aprendizado, aplicando cada uma delas de acordo com o objetivo da aula, o que me rendeu a oportunidade de ser tutor de idiomas em minha universidade. I've been studying different languages for over 10 years, so I have acquired some techniques that have helped me in this process. During my classes, I always strive to create a comfortable and light learning environment, applying each of these techniques according to the lesson's objectives. This has earned me the opportunity to be a language tutor at Uni

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 13:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem BIANCA REZENDE.

Liczba lekcji: 801


id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

I've been working as a teacher since 2006. I work in a public school. I can help anyone speak Portuguese with confidence. Atuo como professora efetiva na rede estadual de Alagoas há mais de 15 anos. Sou formada em Letras e possuo licenciatura plena em Português e Inglês.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 12:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Érica.

Liczba lekcji: 1,995


id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Brazilian teacher. Master's in Linguistics. PhD student. Mestra em Linguística. Estudante de PhD. Trabalho com o ensino individualizado, com foco nos objetivos e necessidades do aluno. Também adapto as aulas de acordo com as preferências do estudante e trabalho para que o aprendizado seja produtivo e eficaz. I work with individualized teaching, focusing on the goals and needs of the student. I also adapt classes according to student preferences and I work to make learning productive and effective.

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 21:30 za 3 dni
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Mitch.

Liczba lekcji: 863


id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

I accept students of all levels from scratch is a good start.

USD 6.50/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 11:30 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Patricia Almeida.

Liczba lekcji: 688

Patricia Almeida

id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Certified TESOL teacher - a decade of teaching English and Portuguese As an adult English learner, I empathize with the challenges students encounter while mastering a second language. This understanding shapes my distinctive teaching approach, blending personal experiences with communication language teaching techniques. Whether you're an adult seeking to enhance English or Portuguese skills for work or travel, or a parent aspiring to elevate your children's language proficiency, I'm dedicated to assisting you. Through dynamic lessons, interactive activities, and tailored feedback, I am committed to guiding my students towards the attainment of their language goals.

USD 8.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 13:00 za 3 dni
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Rodrigo Santos.

Liczba lekcji: 334

Rodrigo Santos

id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

🎁 Receive during the classes all material used on PDF 100% free 📋 You can always coutting on me to give you a feedback after the classes when you need and support on Whatsapp, E-mail or even using the Italki's chat. 🎖 In my classes I always strive to create a stimulating environment for learning. I look forward to sharing this learning journey with you and helping you discover your unlimited potential. 🏆 I am always looking for ways to challenge my students to go beyond their limits and reach their full potential. I set clear and realistic goals, providing support and guidance along the way. 👨🏻‍💻 In my classes, I also value open dialogue and encourage students to share their opinions, questions, and perspectives.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Cynthia Azevedo.

Liczba lekcji: 6,229

Cynthia Azevedo

id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Professora profissional com mais de 15 anos de experiência Durante as aulas você vai: - Aprender vocabulário e gramática útil de acordo com seus interesses - Aperfeiçoar sua pronúncia e entonação - Aprender sobre os costumes e cultura brasileira - Ganhar confiança para falar português - Corrigir erros - Ter motivação para continuar estudando ao perceber seu progresso Durante as aulas, aconselho que você dê preferência ao uso de um laptop. Eu costumo compartilhar arquivos e materiais didáticos que são melhor visualizados no computador.

USD 12.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 12:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Daniel Santos.

Liczba lekcji: 68

Daniel Santos

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Professor nativo com experiência de ensino pronto para lhe ajudar! Se você quer melhorar seus conhecimentos em idiomas e aprender a falar português, melhorar sua fala, gramática, venha marcar uma aula comigo. Ensino A1 E A2 para espanhol, A1 a B1 para inglês, e A1 - C1 para português. Tenho didática flexível que possibilita avanços de maneira fluída e interativa, possibilitando uma boa aprendizagem.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 08:00 Jutro
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem ⭐Yuri |Native USA,BR.

Liczba lekcji: 1,369

⭐Yuri |Native USA,BR

id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik
Rodzimy użytkownik

Certified TELF teacher with 4 years of experience I believe coming forward with great gratitude from my past and current teachers, that us humans, 'role-models', professionals of society, paint or even mold the future of the students who will one day replace us. It is with great compassion and empathy that I place myself as a teacher. Expanding in clear, specific and mem-orable ways the minds of those who concern, dare to curious, embrace their objectives.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 20:00 za 3 dni
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Ricardo Sampaio.

Liczba lekcji: 252

Ricardo Sampaio

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Estudante de medicina apaixonado por linguagem :) Our classes will focus on your speech. I will help you to find the best method to learn not only the language that you are learning, but any other. I'm a great listener so be prepared to talk a lot! I will do my best to motivate you in every class!

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Aline Megiani.

Liczba lekcji: 1,425

Aline Megiani

id verified
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Professora profissional em Língua e Literatura, com 17 anos de experiência e vivência no exterior I have been teaching English since 2007. My first job as a teacher was in Portugal, where I was teaching English to children aged 3 to 7 years in a kindergarten. In Brazil, I had been teaching English and Portuguese for children and adults of all ages in schools and online classes. I worked as an English teacher in a school in the north of Italy, in the city of Schio. Ensino inglês desde 2007. Meu primeiro trabalho como professora foi em Portugal, onde ensinava inglês para crianças de 3 a 7 anos em um jardim de infância. No Brasil ensinei Inglês e Português para crianças e adultos de todas as idades. Ensinei Inglês em uma escola no norte da ítalia, na cidade de Schio.

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się portugalski z nauczycielem Cleide Brandao.

Liczba lekcji: 1,077

Cleide Brandao

id verified
Lektor ze społeczności
SPEAKS :portugalski
Rodzimy użytkownik
argentyński język migowy

Soy licenciada en Letras(Portugués y Español) llevo 7 años enseñando portugués para extranjeros por medio de clases presenciales y virtuales. ¡Me encantaría ayudarte!

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 14:30 za 3 dni
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