Sometimes, I don’t find a comprehensible meaning of a word in the dictionary. Look at this example: I just started throwing photos of my Friday fits! Is it colloquial? What means throwing photos here? And what means fits here?
3 мая 2024 г., 23:37
Ответы · 3
The statement might also mean: throwing photos: taking/uploading or sharing photos on social media fits: outfits It's idiomatic and colloquial, written in a modern slang :)
6 мая 2024 г., 10:56
This language is idiomatic and colloquial so it is no surprise that the dictionary does not help you. My guess is that "throwing photos" means posting them on social media. "Fits" probably refers to uncontrolled outbursts of anger or frustration.
4 мая 2024 г., 13:15
I'm a US native speaker. It doesn't make any sense to me either. Maybe there is some context that gives it meaning, otherwise who knows?
4 мая 2024 г., 5:54
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