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Найди на italki преподавателя по языку: итальянский

Найди своего онлайн-репетитора по языку итальянский, выбери одного из наших опытных репетиторов (итальянский) и получи максимально полезный опыт обучения.

Учись итальянский с учителем Giuseppe.

Уроков: 7


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Practice and learn italian with a teacher from Italy! I'm a laid-back, extroverted and optimist teacher :) I try to motivate and support my students as much as I can and I adapt to each person and their requests Я спокойный, экстравертный и оптимистичный преподаватель :) Я стараюсь мотивировать и поддерживать своих студентов, насколько это возможно, и адаптируюсь к каждому человеку и его запросам Sono un insegnante alla mano, estroverso e ottimista, che cerca in tutti i modi di motivare e supportare i propri studenti, adattandomi alla persona e alle sue richieste

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 05:00 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем Adriano Piro.

Adriano Piro

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante di Italiano specializzato nella conversazione. Sono un insegnante dinamico, mi adatto alle necessità dell'alunno ponendomi in maniera gentile e cercando sin da subito di instaurare un clima amichevole, il quale son sicuro possa aiutare nel tirar fuori il meglio da ogni persona. Vorrei che il clima delle lezioni fosse piacevole, per facilitare l'apprendimento della lingua. I am a dynamic teacher, I adapt to the student's needs by being kind and immediately trying to establish a friendly atmosphere, which I am sure can help bring out the best in each person. I would like the climate of the lessons to be pleasant, to facilitate learning the language.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 10:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Paola  Santamaria.

Paola Santamaria

Профессиональный преподавательid verified
Подготовка к тестам
SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante certificato con oltre 10 anni di esperienza e Master in didattica dell'Italiano I believe to be a supportive teacher. I believe in a comunicative learning method (without neglecting the importance of the grammatical structures). I believe a student should start experimenting with the language and challenging his or her abilities from the very beginning. and I believe mistakes are an important part of the learning process.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Antonio Fraticelli.

Уроков: 5

Antonio Fraticelli

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Learn Italian from a native linguist - Years of experience in online tutoring and language industry I am an experienced teacher who worked many years in the language industry. My degree in Modern language and culture provided me with cultural and linguistic knowledge, which I daily apply in my work. Currently, I am pursuing a master's degree in Linguistics in order to hone my skills and offer better quality classes.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем giulia.


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Non solo pizza e pasta... scopriamo insieme questa lingua romantica, passionale e divertente! Penso di essere una buona ascoltatrice, paziente e dinamica, ma posso essere anche una grande chiacchierona. Mi piace definirmi un'insegnante informale, conversare di qualsiasi argomento quasi come un'amica, insegnare divertendomi e tenendo alto l'interesse dei miei studenti.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 05:00 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем ANGELO.


Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Angelo, tu Profesor de lenguas que gesticula como un verdadero italiano! Profesor de italiano nativo y con ciudadania brasileña, quiere enseñarte ITALIANO y PORTUGUES..yo soy tu professor Italiano-brasileño con "o' sole mio" di Luciano Pavarotti y con la alegria "do Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro"!!! Siempre recuerdo a mis alumnos que aprender un idioma es una experiencia "increíble" y "divertida"..Por eso el estudiante necesita tener un ENFOQUE en el idioma y mantener una actitud COSTANTE y ACTIVA. Este, por lo tanto, es el mensaje final para el estudiante: USA todo tu conocimiento para COMUNICARSE, abre su mente y no te dejes "bloquear por el miedo a equivocarse". Al contrario: ACEPTA que te equivocarás porque estás estudiando y SIGUE ADELANTE..

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 14:30 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Giulia.


Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Sono molto paziente e appassionata di ciò che insegno, mi adeguo ai tempi e agli interessi degli studenti così da favorire il più possibile l'apprendimento. Faccio attenzione a bilanciare i contenuti grammaticali con esercizi di conversazione e comunicazione in lingua.

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USD 10.00/пробный
Доступно 06:45 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем Gabriele Lomuscio.

Уроков: 34

Gabriele Lomuscio

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Italian Tutor with the passion for language learning I am a patient and passionate teacher who aims to create a relaxed and friendly environment. I enjoy using humor and storytelling to make learning Italian enjoyable and engaging. I believe that learning a language also means connecting with the culture behind it.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 20:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Matteo Dabellonio.

Уроков: 1,028

Matteo Dabellonio

Профессиональный преподавательid verified
Деловое общение
Подготовка к тестам
SPEAKS :итальянский

Professore di Italiano Certificato da 6 anni |Preparazione Esami (CELI, CILS, PLIDA, DALI, CLIDA) Ho un C1 di spagnolo e un B2 di inglese. Ho lavorato con la scuola online LearnAmo per oltre 4 anni, creando materiale didattico per gli studenti. Mi piace molto insegnare l'italiano ad adulti e bambini, e ho una grande passione per l'insegnamento. Il mio obiettivo come insegnante privato è quello di creare un'esperienza di apprendimento personalizzata e divertente per ogni studente. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, utilizzo una grande varietà di materiali, tra cui video, podcast e giochi. In questo modo, riesco a rendere le lezioni coinvolgenti e stimolanti, in modo da mantenere l'attenzione degli studenti e aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di apprendimento.

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USD 9.99/пробный
Доступно 09:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Giuseppe.

Уроков: 21


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Conversiamo in italiano insieme! :D Non sono un insegnante professionista ma amo la conversazione. Come voi anche io ho dovuto imparare una lingua non mia e conosco la timidezza e la paura di sbagliare, specie all'inizio. Non preoccupatevi! Sono qui per aiutarvi. Durante le lezioni sarete voi i protagonisti e parleremo di tanti argomenti :)

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 19:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Francesca.

Уроков: 45


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Free conversation with a language student :) Sono una tutor disponibile e paziente, non ti farò sentire sbagliato per aver commesso un errore :) gli errori sono parte del processo di apprendimento. :) I'm kind, easy - going and I won't judge you for making a mistake :) mistakes are part of the learning journey!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Federico.

Уроков: 82


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Over 🏅10 years of Experience 🏅 learn Italian while having fun 🥳 📸 🎥 🌱 simple and fast 💡 I have been working for more than 10 years as a teacher, both in person and online. But above all, for more than 7 years, I have also been studying languages ​​with various teachers. This experience has allowed me to better understand the difficulties of my students, which is why now my lessons are tailored for my students' needs, and at the same time super fun and engaging. Lavoro da più di 10 anni come insegnante sia in presenza che in videocall, ma sopratutto da più di 7 anni studio anch’io lingue con vari insegnanti, questa esperienza mi ha permesso di comprendere meglio le difficoltà dei miei studenti, per questo ora le mie lezioni sono su misura, super divertenti e coinvolgenti.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Доступно 10:45 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Agnese.

Уроков: 167


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Italian teacher, conversation-based approach I think having an active aproach to the language is fundamental, and so are mistakes. Languages shouldn't be a chore, so I try to make even the most difficult themes approachable. I'm a curious person so I'm open to any suggestions and themes that might be brought up. I don't have any specific italian accent: people from other parts of Italy can't tell where I am from.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 06:00 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем Antonio.

Уроков: 90


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский
неаполитанский (наполетано)

CEDILS Certified Italian Tutor with a Master's degree in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners My empathetic nature allows me to understand the needs and feelings of my students. I am here to support and guide you along your learning journey, without judgment and with the utmost respect for your experiences and perspectives.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Marcello L.

Уроков: 71

Marcello L

Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Native English Speaker | Teacher | Toronto 🇨🇦 | Certified TESL/TESOL/TEFL & IELTS/TOEFL Exam Prep I'm patient, friendly, clear & detailed in my explanations, & passionate about helping others learn. I take my time to ensure you understand. I adapt my strategy to varying learning styles, prioritizing each student's needs. I use all my own materials & offer feedback & corrections. In class, it's okay to make mistakes, they help you learn! Sono paziente, amichevole, chiaro e dettagliato nelle spiegazioni, e appassionato nell'aiutare gli altri a imparare. Prendo il tempo necessario per farsì che tu capisca. Adatto il mio metodo, dando priorità alle esigenze di ogni studente. Uso i miei materiali personali e offro feedback e correzioni. In classe, fare errori è normale, aiutano a imparare!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 06:00 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем Marcello M.

Уроков: 379

Marcello M

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Hi, I have 8 years of experience in teaching in an Italian highschool. My lessons are focused on CONVERSATION. We start from there, speaking about art, culture, science, news, politics, sports... and of course your everyday life. From there we can dive into GRAMMAR whenever is needed. Also, I am half British, so switching to English is always an option. I also enjoy to discover, together with my students, the word ETYMOLOGY. English and Italian languages have a lot in common. Discovering the origin of the words a is a nice way to learn languages and it will be easier to build and memorise a vocabulary. Thanks for reading all this. Book a trial lesson with me and you will not regret it! Bye!

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USD 15.00/пробный
Доступно 19:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Francesca.

Уроков: 133


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Language enthusiastic in her master course in foreign languages. Friendly and relaxed lessons! ITA: Come tutor, mi entusiasma lavorare con studenti di diversi background. La mia esperienza include l'insegnamento a persone di vari livelli culturali ed educativi, permettendomi di adattare i miei metodi ai diversi stili di apprendimento. Cerco di creare un ambiente inclusivo dove ogni studente/ssa si senta valorizzato/a e motivato/a a raggiungere il proprio obiettivo. ENG:As a tutor, I thrive on the diverse backgrounds of my students. My experience includes teaching people from different cultural and educational levels, allowing me to adapt my methods to fit different learning styles.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Andrea.

Уроков: 2,155


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

I'm here to assist you in making your Italian accent and fluency truly stand out! My own journey with English has given me some great insights into the language-learning process. I'm more than happy to help you improve your speaking skills, introduce you to new words, and explore new ways to express yourself. We can dive into any text you prefer, or I can pick one for you. We can even work on your accent, and upon request, I can provide you with some simple homework to practice what we are learning or, in my opinion, what you need to focus on. What is really important to me is to create a friendly and supportive environment where we can work well toghether😊

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Luigi Tassinari.

Уроков: 204

Luigi Tassinari

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

Community tutor, Italian born and raised, pleased to meet you!! I pride myself on being a passionate teacher. As a community tutor, I excel in aiding students with grammar, listening, writing, and, naturally, speaking. My aim is to approach everyone with deep understanding, guided by the motto: 'stupor solum cognoscit' (only through amazement can someone truly know). Hence, I strive to keep my lessons captivating. If you're intrigued, I highly recommend booking a trial lesson. I look forward to assisting you.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 15:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем ✨Sarah Dettori ✅.

Уроков: 1,348

✨Sarah Dettori ✅

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :итальянский

🎀 Tutor d'italiano con 7 anni di esperienza.✅ Appassionata di storia dell'arte.🤩 La mia esperienza di insegnamento.🏅 Ho insegnato l'italiano e cultura italiana per 6 anni e spagnolo per 2 anni. Ho collaborato per 3 anni con un'accademia di italiano in Ecuador dove aiutavo gli studenti a prepararsi per gli esami PLIDA B1, B2 e C1. Ho esperienza nell'insegnamento dell'italiano ad ogni livello: principiante, intermedio e avanzado. Insegno l'italiano maggiormente a persone adulte ma mi piace anche creare attività interattive per bambini.

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USD 5.00/пробный
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