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Уроков: 11.5k
🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚♀️ Storyteller
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Gez with a J
☀️British 🇬🇧/ PGCE /Certified ESL + CELTA teacher 👨🏼🏫 /IELTS/ 10+ years 🧫 /🇯🇵 日本語 ☀︎ **No children** I'm a fun, relaxed teacher so don't worry about anything 😀 I have an MA in English with TEFL, a CELTA and I also hold an N2 qualification in Japanese. I have 10+ years' experience teaching in class and online. I have taught grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking (including pronunciation) to students all over the world. I want you to talk more than me, so I will always encourage you to speak as much as you can. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, the more mistakes the better. I can also teach basic to intermediate Japanese. This can be taught either in English or in straight Japanese for a more immersive experience!
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I am qualified in Japanese and has 9years' experience in business, kids and exam preparation.😊 💁🏻♀️My Career💁🏻♀️ 2010-2015 Telecommunications equipment company(HR) 2015-2017 Japanese language school 2017-2019 vocational school 2019- online school 2021- italki In my lessons, you can study elementary Japanese conversation, JLPT and even business conversation.So, if you want to speak Japanese a lot, study in Japan or work in Japan, let’s study together.It’s possible to make a plan that suits your purpose. But the most important thing is to enjoy the Japanese language. Smile a lot, move your mouth a lot, make a lot of mistakes, and learn. Your Japanese will definitely grow.
Уроков: 670
🌸Kids🌸English🌸粵語🌸JLPT N1-N5 🌸Qualified Japanese teacher 🌸1 year of teaching experience in Macau language school 🌸2 years of experience in online Japanese teaching 🌸+2,000 classes taught online 🌸具有專業日語教師資格 🌸在澳門語言學校有1年教學經驗 🌸線上日語教學2年經驗 🌸+2,000堂線上授課課程
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拥有在日本和韩国教授汉语经验的资深语言学教师。 我曾经在日本和韩国对团体和个人讲授过汉语。 我一直以为外国学生服务而自豪。 我愿意将我关于语言方面的学识分享给每一位学生,这是我的乐趣。 我拥有得到认证的学历证书,还有汉语资格证书。 毫无疑问,我的汉语是语调标准而发音清晰的。 I have taught Chinese to groups and individuals in Japan and Korea. I am always proud of serving foreign students. I would like to share my knowledge about language with every student, which is my pleasure. I have a certified diploma and a qualification certificate in Chinese. There is no doubt that my Chinese is standard in intonation and clear in pronunciation.
Преподаватели мгновенных уроков: 3
У нас есть учителя, готовые сразу же провести с тобой урок! Найди преподавателя и начинай учиться.
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こんにちは!Easygoing Japanese instructor🌸 Certified language instructor with over 6 years of experiences In total, I have been in teaching industries for about 12 years, and I've been teaching Japanese for about 8 years. My former students often described my classes as "tea room", and I like the fact that my class has had a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. However, I am sometimes strict on my students because I believe that encouraging students is my way of expressing respectfulness.
Уроков: 3,046
Qualified and certified teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience I have been teaching Japanese at language schools and intermediate/secondary schools both in Japan and in New Zealand for 25 years. Also, I have offered more than 8600 online lessons in the last six years to my students from all over the world. I have taught young students (from 5 years old) to elderly learners (in their 70s), from complete beginner to advanced level. It has been my pleasure to assist them to improve their Japanese language skills and to enjoy Japanese culture further, and to talk about their passion and/or work in the tar As for NCEA , I have taught up to scholarship level with great success. I have created numerous NCEA materials and published NCEA textbooks.
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Since 2015 here in italki! I have various Chinese courses designed for different purposes for you to choose from, please refer to the list below for your brief information or you are welcomed to book a trial lesson with me for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 初めて中国語に接する方は、中国語をどのようにとらえているでしょうか。 「日本語と同じく漢字を使った言語なので、私たちにはとても馴染みやすい言葉かなー」 と思っている方はいらっしゃいますでしょうか。 ただし、同じ漢字でも、違う形ですし、同じ発音でも、その発音のアクセントによって、全然違う意味になってしまうなど、ニュアンスの違いを感じさせます。 私は、中国語を勉強されている方に、より効率的に勉強ができるようにお手伝いを致します。 発音、よく使う表現、文法等をゼロから進んで行きます。 語彙を少しずつ増やしていけば、自然と中国語を身につけられるようになるでしょうか。 文化、歴史、料理、映画など、皆様の中国に対する楽しみは様々でしょうが、 中国に旅行の際、お仕事の際に、実際に会話をして交流できるよう、 私が皆様の中国語の一助となれば幸いです。
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It's okay to turn off the camera. #Osaka#ともだち #Nurse#Canada🇨🇦 I was said that 『mariya is kind and How to teach Japanese is easy to understand 』 from many friends : ) 『mariyaは やさしくて 教(おし)え方(かた)がわかりやすい』と たくさんの 友達(ともだち)から いわれています。 I'm studying to acquire a license of Japanese teacher! 我现在没有获得日语教师的资格,但是我正在向着这一个目标努力学习 日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の 資格(しかく)を とるために 勉強中(べんきょうちゅう)です。 I have been studying English for 2 years and Chinese for 1year. I have been to Australia for a homestay. 我学习中文已经一年了,同时英语也学习了2年多,我也曾经短暂的在澳大利亚生活过 英語(えいご)を 2年間、中国語を1年間、学(まな)んでいます オーストラリアに ホームステイに行(い)ったことがあります。 So, if you have any Japanese you don't understand I can also teach a little in English or Chinese. ですので、分からない日本語があれば英語や中国語で教えることも少しできます。
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京都大学卒業後、日本の大手電機メーカーで勤務経験20年以上。本物のビジネス日本語を学びたい方、面接など就職準備をしたい方、JLPTの読解学習や文章力アップをしたい方、ぜひ受講してみて下さい。 私は京都大学を卒業し日本の大きな企業で長く働いていましたので、豊富な知識を持ちたくさんの言葉や日本語表現を知っています。ですので、私は以下のことについて教えることができます。 本気で日本語能力を早く伸ばしたい方はぜひ試して下さい。 【私が教えることのできる内容】 ◆日本人が実際に話す自然な会話(関西弁も!) ◆実践的なビジネス会話、敬語のトレーニング ◆就職・転職面接の準備 ◆日本人とのコミュニケーションの取り方 ◆JLPTの勉強(主に読解、文法、勉強の仕方など)
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Zhou Yi_Sophia
Start teaching language Since 2012 / over 10,000 teaching hours / all kinds of courses experienced Have taught lessons over 10,000hours online and offline in total. Experienced with all kinds of courses. 今までは1万時間以上の授業をした。入門コースから高級コースまで、また会話コース・HSK と中検の受験コースなど、各種類のコースの経験が持っている。 自从教以来,线上线下授课时长超1万小时,学生来自世界各国,从入门课程至高级课程、口语课程及HSK考试课程等各类型课程均有丰富授课经验。
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Chill, Casual, Cheers! My Japanese is all about that standard Japanese vibe. And when it comes to my English, working at foreign companies, I’m basically handling it with ease. Now, here's the deal with our lessons: Don't stress about being perfect – the more mistakes, the more progress. Don't give up too quickly. Before you call it quits, pause, think, and feel free to ask. I'll hang tight until you come up with that word or phrase. Above all, let's keep it relaxed and enjoyable. If we're not having a good time, it could get a bit dull. So, just be yourself, bring your best effort, and chat with me like we're catching up with family. Let's stay genuine and make language learning enjoyable!
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Shun 日本語・中国語教師/進学・就職
★ Certified professional Japanese teacher (over 3200 lessons) -会说中文的专业日语教师- 名校大学(院)进学指导/专业HR面试和职业规划 英语TOEIC满分商学硕士教授日语 I am a native Chinese-Japanese professional teacher. I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese offline lessons for over 9 YEARS. I also like learning a new language, and I'm now learning French as well. I really hope to help you to improve your language skills through italki. And I am a foreign language teacher with four years of professional training. ◎Beginner, children OK ◎The Japanese company's employment guidance for foreign students. 我是中文日语双母语的专业中文和日语教师,我可以专业教授中文和日语的各个水平,无论您是什么水平我都可以找到适合你的方法,并且我拥有超过9年的教学经验,帮助很多学生快速而又顺利达到了他们的目标。同时由于我在世界500强企业担任超过8年的人事工作,主要负责招聘和企业内培训。我每天都要面试无数应聘者和担任培训工作。所以如果你想通过求职面试,我也能给出专业的建议。另外我对日本语能力考试也有丰富的经验,对于通过考试我也有自己独到的见解。
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Kozo The Translator
Japanese Top 1 % Teacher. The experience of over 5500 lessons with 620 students, let's enjoy ! わたしは翻訳者(ほんやくしゃ)、通訳者(つうやくしゃ)の視点(してん)から日本語(にほんご)を解説(かいせつ)することができます。また、英語(えいご)を勉強(べんきょう)した経験(けいけん)があるので、言語(げんご)の学(まな)び方(かた)について自分(じぶん)の経験(けいけん)から教(おし)えることができます。 いろいろな国(くに)から日本(にほん)に越(こ)してきた人(ひと)たちに、日本(にほん)での生活(せいかつ)について説明(せつめい)するのが今(いま)の仕事(しごと)なので、皆(みな)さんに同様(どうよう)の説明(せつめい)をすることは、皆(みな)さんにとって益(えき)になると思(おも)います。 As a translator and an interpreter, I can not only teach but also explain Japanese. Since I've experienced learning English, I can teach you how to study the language from my experience. Explaining life in Japan to those who moved to Japan is my job right now, I have confidence that doing the same thing to you will benefit your study.
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I want to say "ありがとう" to you in Japanese:) 2002年から韓国の語学学校、短大、某有名企業などで初級から上級までの日本語会話や試験対策などを教えてきました。生徒さんのタイプもいろいろです。高校生、大学生、会社員、弁護士、そして、有名ガールズグループの歌手、俳優など、いろいろな職業の人たちがいます。 韓国のケーブルテレビに日本語の講師として出演して、共著で日本語試験対策の本を出版したこともあります。 Since 2002, I have taught Japanese conversation and exam preparations from beginners to advanced levels at language schools, junior colleges, and well-known companies in Korea.There are many different types of students.There are high school students, college students, office workers, lawyers,singers and actors from famous girl groups, and so on. I have appeared on cable TV in Korea before as a Japanese language instructor and published a book co-authored to prepare for the Japanese language examination .
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I'm happy to hear the news that students passed the JLPT. It's your turn next. Let's study with me Before I became a Japanese teacher, I was an English teacher at Junior High School in Japan for 15 years. I became interested in teaching Japanese after experiencing volunteer work. I like teaching and studying foreign languages. Last year I taught Japanese in Vietnam. I really enjoyed teaching there. 日本語の教師になる前は、日本の中学校で英語を15年間教えていました。 ボランティアを経験して、日本語を教えることに興味を持ちました。外国語を教えたり学んだりすることは面白いです。 昨年はベトナムで日本語を教えました。とても楽しい経験でした。
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こんにちは♬ Let's study Japanese with me!Let's have fun♬ I love teaching Japanese to all the levels. I also like to share things about Japanese culture and customs. ***COURSE*** *Japanese for beginners ✔ grammar ✔vocabulary ✔hiragana, katakana,kanji ✔reading ✔ writing ✔speaking, conversation *Reading Comprehension ✔ news articles ✔ reading texts from the Japanese texbook ✔ reading manga *Japanese One on One ✔flexible class depending what a student want to practice ✔ speaking ✔ discussion ✔ check and correct students school homework or writing text *JLPT Preparation 🙏As mentioned in the italki lesson policy, no show or cancellation with less than 24hours before the lesson will be charged in full price. Thank you for your understanding.
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Let's start your learning journey with a certified teacher! Absolute beginners are welcome! ★I teach students at all levels for adults. ★I teach Japanese in Japanese using the direct method. What do you find difficult about learning? What are your goals? I can help you to improve the skills you’d like to work on. Let’s devise a study plan according to your goals. As a language learner, I understand how difficult it is to learn new languages and I can help you to develop your skills and to stay motivated. ★Before booking the class, I encourage all new students to complete a questionnaire form, so that I have a better idea of your expectations and passion for Japanese learning. Please request a 30-min-lesson for the first session.
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Nana I
YouTube:「日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)なな」「일본어교사 나나」 ぜひ見(み)てください:)주로 한국말로 얘기하고 있습니다! YouTube:「日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)なな」「일본어교사 나나」 わたしのチャンネルを見たら、わたしのことがよくわかります^^ また、東京(とうきょう)にある日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)で JLPTや、ビジネス日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。 わたしの生徒(せいと)は、初級(しょきゅう)から上級(じょうきゅう)まで いろいろなレベルの人(ひと)がいます。
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Olivia オリビア
🌸Professional Japanese teacher🌸5+ yrs Japanese teaching exp. 🌻修讀了日本語教師課程+N1合格🌻 5年+授課經驗🌻擅長初級日語 When I was a school Japanese teacher I was teaching from beginner class, also private Japanese tuition from kids to adults for more than 5 years, helping the students practice oral speaking. My students are learning Japanese for travel, JLPT preparation, Japan further study, Japanese for Job or Business, Japanese for friends making or Anime etc. I could provide tailor made lessons according to your learning needs. 我當日語老師實習的時候,主要教授初級日語班。 另外, 我有5年嘅家教經驗, 對象由小朋友到大人, 我會引導學生自然開口說,快速、紮實記憶日語。 我的學生學習日語的原因, 有的是爲了去日本旅遊, 有的是為了工作需要,有的是為交日本人朋友或鐘意動漫等。我可以根據你的學習需要提供量身定做的課程。 我有學習日文及韓文的經驗,我會以學習者的觀點來爲你制定課程計劃。 ✨學咗好快唔记得? ✨記起來的日文講唔出口? 文法好難,唔會用? ✨搵唔到開口講嘅機會? ✨教科書同生活上嘅日文唔一樣? ✨JLTP想1-TAKE PASS? Oliva老師來幫你~輕鬆開口說日語