Today, I have to use the computer to go on Italki. I had to once again log in and do it in the website verson (I use application on my Ipad). I still keep the habit to wake up at 4:30. I have done it for a week now and today I got up at 5 because I slept later. I don't mind waking up early even though I have a slight headache in the morning and at night. However, I still wonder if it can effect on my health and my brain. Anyway, I will try to challenge myself for a week more before I decide to keep it or change it. I sleep 6 hours at night and 30 minutes during the day. Hope some one can share me their experience of practicing sleeping less.
26 февр. 2021 г., 6:49
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26 февраля 2021 г.
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