Hi guys Could you tell me how you are improving your writing skills , and what teacher here pays attention to writing and grammar? I have been tried different ways, but I still have a lot of problems. Also, I failed in my writing assessment. Thank you 🙏
4 окт. 2021 г., 22:37
Исправления · 6
Hi guys Could you tell me how you are improving your writing skills , and what teacher here pays attention to writing and grammar? I (I have tried or I have been trying) have been tried different ways, but I still have a lot of problems. Also, I failed in my writing assessment. Thank you 🙏 If it is a genuine question, the answer is that you have to work with a teacher and work on grammar and writing exercises. It actually is not that difficult if you go through it step by step and find a teacher that cares about your writing. you can check my profile and book a trial session with me if you want. I can help you with your writing.
4 октября 2021 г.
Hi guys Could you tell me how you are improving your writing skills , and what teacher here pays attention to writing and grammar? I have been tried different ways, but I still have a lot of problems. Also, I failed in my writing assessment. Thank you 🙏
It's difficult to tell why you failed in writing asssssment. There are a few areas: vocabulary grammar writing style logic A good teacher can lead and help you.
5 октября 2021 г.
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