Do you have anything you're extremely good at or something you're really devoted to in particular? I don't think I have, honestly. I seemingly have plenty of hobbies which I don't know if I really love or just start in a whim. I'm as if a hungry bird flying to find anything that could satisfy my hunger for knowledge and skills. Therefore, I will often end up taking up something new but give it up shortly after that. Sometimes it's literally a pain in butt to maintain all your skills to restrain them from getting rusty. Do you have the same issues like me?
12 окт. 2020 г., 14:36
Исправления · 2
Is there anything you're extremely good at or something you're really devoted to particularly? I don't think I have, honestly, I seemingly have plenty of hobbies which I don't know if I really love or just start in a whim. I'm as if a hungry bird flying to find anything that can satisfy my hunger for knowledge and skills. Therefore, I often start something new but I end up giving up shortly after that. Sometimes it's literally a pain in butt to maintain all your skills to restrain them from getting rusty. Do you have the same issue like me?
12 октября 2020 г.
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