Denise Timba
My childhood was replete of wonderfull moments, Therefore one of my favorite memories when I was a child was when my little sister was born. It was a remarkable and haunting day for me because for so long I had the desire of have someone younger than me to teach and play with. I remember that was a winy day and me and my old sister arrived from school, my father was really nervous and my mother was yelling in pain. Although it was clear that my mother was in labour, I didnt understood the situation in the first place. Then my father put us all in the car and went quickly towards the hospital. They didnt allowed me to let in the hospital and my sister and I stayed in the car. Hours later and finally had the permition to see my little sister, it was an amazing and special moment, which I will never forget.
25 февр. 2021 г., 12:03
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My childhood was replete with (or "full of") wonderful moments. One of my favorite memories from when I was a child was when my little sister was born. It was a remarkable and haunting * day for me because for so long I had the desire to have someone younger than me to teach and play with. I remember that was a windy day and my older sister and I arrived from school; my father was really nervous and my mother was yelling in pain. Although it was clear that my mother was in labour, I didn't understood the situation in the first place (or perhaps "at first"). Then my father put us all in the car and we went quickly towards the hospital. They didn't allow me to enter the hospital, so my sister and I stayed in the car. Hours later we finally had the permission to see my little sister -- it was an amazing and special moment which I will never forget. "Haunting" usually has a negative connotation, so I think this probably isn't the right word. Other possibilities: emotional, memorable
You've done a very nice job telling the story of what happened on this special day.
27 февраля 2021 г.
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