Jennifer Michelle
Hey there! I'm in need of some assistance with any languages that you may be currently learning. I've been incredibly inspired by XiaomaNYC and his dedication to learning languages, and I want to follow in his footsteps by shocking native speakers with my language skills. If you're able to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. However, I must emphasize that I am only looking for genuine help and guidance – no time wasters or scammers, please. I believe that language is a powerful tool that can bridge gaps between cultures and build connections with people from all walks of life. By expanding my linguistic abilities, I hope to not only challenge myself but also gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives. So, if you're willing to lend a hand and share your knowledge with me, please reach out. Let's embark on this language-learning journey together and make learning a new language a rewarding and enriching experience. Thank you in advance for your help!
25 мая 2024 г., 20:46
Ответы · 1
Hello Jennifer, can we be languge partners with Mandarine and English
28 мая 2024 г., 0:58
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Напишите свои вопросы, и пусть вам помогут носители языка!
Jennifer Michelle
Языковые навыки
арабский, китайский (путунхуа), английский, филиппинский (тагалогский), французский, немецкий, итальянский, японский, корейский, португальский, русский, испанский
Изучаемый язык