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What do you think about these personality characteristics/traits? 👇👇👇 Big Five Inventory (BFI) According to the latest state of business psychology, there are five essential, temporally stable distinguishing characteristics of personalities that can be found in all cultures. All these personality traits are also related to job success - with varying degrees of importance depending on the content. The first personality trait is extraversion vs introversion. This trait refers to the ability to conflict and the inner toughness. The second trait is the cooperativeness (Agreeableness vs antagonism) which refers to the willingness to compromise and the sociability. Another trait is neuroticism versus the emotional stability, which describes the positive self-worth, the inner stability and equilibrium of a person. Further there is the trait conscientiousness versus the lack of direction, which describes the diligence and reliability of one’s person. The last trait is the degree of openness versus the closeness to experience. That relates to the degree of innovation, the openness of a person and finally the willingness to learn and experience new things.
13 июня 2021 г., 6:30